
Our Position on Net Zero

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time, and we recognise the need for urgent and ambitious net zero commitments. With Sustainability as a core company value, we are committed to enabling the net zero economy as a generator of renewable power, providing clean energy to consumers across Europe. Facilitating this transition requires growth of our business, which brings inherent challenges with developing absolute net zero targets.

At this point in time, we do not believe we are in a position to set a net zero target, given our plans for continued growth and the current maturity of our scope 3 understanding. In line with best practice guidance and our core GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission reporting principles, Transparency and Accuracy, we believe that it is critical that net zero targets represent achievable goals that are backed by comprehensive decarbonisation road maps.

Whilst we are not currently in a position to set a net zero target inclusive of scopes 1, 2 and 3, we will continually strive to reduce our impact wherever possible with robust and ambitious reduction objectives. To be developed in 2023, these will be targeted at specific emission drivers across our operations and value chain.

We will also work to reduce the impact of new acquisitions as part of integration plans. This is not a compromise; it is a point in time decision based on where we can have the most positive impact as a company at present.

Looking ahead, our ESG strategy will embrace evolution.

In 2023 and beyond, we will continually review our position and will look to set a robust and ambitious net zero commitment at the earliest point possible. To accommodate our growth, this will likely take the form of a dynamic commitment, which will be regularly reviewed and updated in line with our base year footprint at that time.

More information on our position on net zero can be found via our Net Zero Policy.


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